I finished watching Shinsekai Yori this week and I’ve been
busily trying to process it all.

It turns out that these five children were meant to be
leaders of the humans in the future and so were not given the deep psychological
inhibitions against questioning and exploring that are commonly given to
everyone. Because of that, they
continue to question and get into trouble.
They also lose three of the five along the way. Shun, the most powerful of the five, is lost first
when he loses his ability to control his powers. He is killed by the adults and his position
in their group, as well as their memories of him is replaced. The four remaining kids realize that the new
person wasn’t always there and retain partial memories of Shun without
remembering his name or face. This
causes them to question even more, and causes one of them to flee when he
realizes he is the next to be killed.

Mamoru and Maria both end up fleeing rather than being culled.
Saki and Satoru initially try to bring
them back, but then lie about their deaths in order to let them go. They
discover in the final arc that Maria and Mamoru did in fact die, leaving Saki
and Satoru as the last of their original group.
This is the state of affairs at the final arc, when Saki and
Satoru are young adults. At this point the bakanezumi rebel and try to
gain their freedom by killing all the humans.
Normally they would be unable to achieve this against humans with their powerful
Cantus, but the bakanezumi have an ace in the hole and they come very close to
succeeding. Their ace is Maria and
Mamoru’s child who has been raised as a bakanezumi and has mental powers and no
inhibitions against killing humans.
Humans of course cannot kill this child without dying themselves. Until Saki figures out a solution in the last
episode, you actually think the bakanezumi will succeed. And even Saki’s solution requires the help,
and death, of one of the loyal bakunezumi, Kiroumaru. So
Saki and Satoru survive and end as leaders of the humans, but they also end up
discovering humanity’s worst secret – that the bakanezumi were created in past
centuries from the remaining humans without mental powers. The series ends with Saki and Satoru saving
several colonies of bakanezumi from total destruction at the wrath of the surviving
humans, and vowing to change things in the future.
I think I’m going to have to say that I REALLY liked this
series. I could have wished for less
main character death, but the series as a whole is pretty awesome. First of all it has an amazingly unique
premise and plot line, and I really like series that are different. This one kept me thinking and guessing and
second-guessing and changing my opinion about what was happening and why. It made me switch my perspective a number of
times, which is amazing. It also has
awesome music so I hope a soundtrack is forthcoming. And the animation style is wonderful and the
characters are cool and great to follow.
Overall it was a very unique series with awesome music. The theme is a little dark, with humans having
trapped themselves into a society which culls and kills its own children and one
that cannot recognize that intelligent beasts may have “human” rights. Still I was left with the feeling that Saki
and Satoru would be working to change that society. I recommend watching it.
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