Not only did I not post AT ALL in 2016, I actually watched almost no anime at all. I had a commitment to my national professional association and it kept me traveling and busy the entire year. I am so very far behind now. I never even finished watching the second season of Owari no Seraph! Other old series with second seasons that I've downloaded and not yet watched or finished watching include Akagami no Shirayukihime, D.Gray-man, Noragami, K, Durarara! and Fafner. And now they're coming out with a second season of Ao no Exorcist and a fifth season of Natsume Yuujinchou. I've downloaded a ton of anime, and it's going to take me a bit of time to catch up on any of it. So, this incredibly short post is just to let anyone reading this know that I'll be back. Just gotta catch up on some watching first. And maybe even try a new series or two. More soon.